
Thanks To

Each work I have published has relied on the contributions of people that have made its production and publication possible, and this is an important part of what remains forever. I would like to thank the Port of Barcelona and Joaquim Coello for their help and support, not only towards the publication of «República Mediterrània», my previous work, but also for having afforded me the chance to create and develop the Escola Europea de Short Sea Shipping, two crucial elements that make up the scenario in which this work has been brought forth. To turn an idea into reality takes someone with enough vision, power and resources to help him or her believe in it. On this occasion, his contribution has been equally fateful, as he made available to me a critical fulcrum that enabled me to leverage the rest of the work.
My gratitude to José Francisco Vidal – his enthusiasm, support and participation in my work has been unfailing; to Jesús del Río, who provided me with information about the book on Ramon LLull published by Amador Vega, and also for presenting to me Pythagoras’s Golden Verses, in which I found the Tetraktys; to Toni Tobella, who enwrapped the original texts into English, the lingua franca of the Mediterranean Republic, with all the sensibility and poetry of a heart that loves music; to Salvador Brotons, who helped me with the musical aspects of this production; to Halldór Már Stefansson, who prepared the musical scores for guitar and the demos, and always contributes ideas to the production; I also owe a great deal to my brother, Santiago Rodes, for his brilliant work on the graphic design and on the production of the CD, and because working with him is always an easy and pleasant task; to Ramon Andreu, for his work on the arrangements for the string quartet, arrangements that from now on form an indissoluble part of this work; and to Carles Trepat and the members of the Quartet Teixidor, because they chose to invest time and affection in my music.
A number of organisations and companies contributed to funding this production through the purchase of important shares of this record. To all of them goes my gratitude for their help.

Short Sea Promotion Center Spain Fundació Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia Corporación APPLUS+
Short Sea Promotion Center Spain Fundació Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia Corporación APPLUS+
Institut d'Estudis Financers Porto de Aveiro Associação dos Agentes de Navegação de Portugal
Institut d'Estudis Financers Porto de Aveiro Associação dos Agentes de Navegação de Portugal

And to all who sent me e-mails and letters with comments on my work – a material I preserve like the most precious treasure. They bring sense to much of this work.

Eduard Rodes -

The RecordThe RecordMaking OfThanks ToPress  ClippingsStore
IntroductionThe RecordMaking OfThanks ToPress ClippingsStore
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República Mediterrànea
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